
In the past

In the past

And I, I can`t forget
what we have done
in the past

And I, I can’t believe
that you’re gone
Away from me

And I, I’ve just request
With all my strenght
I want you back

Then you lied, so many times
Just to appear,
Please don’t deny, that you`re

Away from me
How Can I Stand?
I didn`t believe
I lost my faith
One day I’ll see

I`ve tried
To understand
what did you think
and what did you say?

I fight with all of them
And i`ve searched for you
In all my prayers

Then you lied, so many times
Just to appear,
Please don’t deny, that you`re

Away from me
How Can I Stand?
I didn`t believe
I lost my faith
One day I’ll see

And I, I can`t forget
what we have done
in the past

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Um relacionamento conturbado que acabou não dando certo.

Sobre a obra

É um hard rock melódico bastante expressivo.

Sobre o autor

Sou bancário e nas horas vagas brinco de ser artista.



Autor(a): DAVID SANTOS SALOMAO (David Salomão)